Set up in 2009, Clifford Events is a small, independent promotions outfit dedicated to bringing quality music to Sheffield.  Nothing more complicated than that  - I try to do exactly what it says on the tin, without fuss, and with maximum enjoyment!

To date I have promoted mostly sell-out concerts with quality touring artists and bands from the USA, England, Scotland, Ireland and Canada. I work mainly with The Greystones, an outstanding intimate and critically acclaimed venue in Sheffield, but sometimes do events elsewhere.

To contact me or to join a mailing list, please e-mail: or telephone 0794 136 1510

Please see our Facebook Page for all events and tickets: Click here to visit our Facebook page

Also, please visit our We Got Tickets page for all shows and tickets: Click here to visit our We Got Tickets page

Thank you for your support for independent live music in Sheffield - up-close and personal, without doubt the best way to see live music! I look forward to seeing you at a show very soon.


Mark Scott

Clifford Events